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Board Members

Sabrina Donzelli

President (2024-2026)

Sabrina Donzelli, MD, is the current SOSORT President. She has been an active member of SOSORT since 2011 and is the first woman President of our society. She has provided conservative treatment for scoliosis patients in Italy since 2010 Sabrina was a co-coordinator of the first international online course for scoliosis treatment, serves as Teaching assistant at Harvard’s Principles and Practice of Clinical Research certificate course, and took a Msc in medical Statistics at Oxford University . She has authored book chapters and various publications in the field of scoliosis. 

James Wynne

Past - President (2024-2026)

James Wynne, CPO, FAAOP is the immediate Past-President of SOSORT and has been a member since 2007.  He joined the board in 2017 and has served on the Scientific and Educational committees. Jim is a certified orthotist/prosthetist and has specialized in pediatricand scoliosis since 1993. He lectures internationally on the non-operative management of scoliosis and has authored several book chapters and peer-reviewed articles on the non-operative treatment of scoliosis. His interest in SOSORT is to promote evidence-based non-operative programs for people with scoliosis and other spinal disorders.

Sunčica Bulat Würsching

President Elect 1 (2024-2026)

Dr. Sunčica Bulat Würsching, MD, has been working with patients with scoliosis since 2002 and has been part of SOSORT since 2016. In 2018 she chaired the organization committee for the SOSORT meeting in Dubrovnik That same year she won the SOSORT award for the article "Parental role in scoliosis treatment". She served on the SOSORT Board as member at large since 2018, as treasurer between 2019 and 2021, and as of 2022 holds the role of President Elect 2. Her interests in SOSORT include strengthening the Society, strategic planning and event organization on behalf of SOSORT.

Larry Cohen


Dr. Larry Cohen, PhD is a physiotherapist and has been a member of SOSORT since 2011 and is serving as our treasurer. He has a MSc in exercise Physiology, completed Harvard’s Principles and Practice of Clinical Research certificate course, and holds a PhD focusing much of his work on spinal sagittal balance. He has been a volunteer gymnastics coach and been a physiotherapist for the Special Olympics and Olympics. He owns a private physical therapy practice in Australia. My interest is in treating and understanding scoliosis in order to minimize its long-term impact on patients as they age into adulthood and later stages of life, with a specific focus on quality of life

Prachi Bakarania


Prachi Bakarania has been an active member since 2017. She was an active committee member and served as the co-chair of the communications committee from 2017 to 2023. She is a physical therapist working at a university outpatient clinic specializing in the non operative management of structural spinal conditions. She is looking forward to serving on the board of SOSORT.

Jeb McAviney

Member at Large

Dr. Jeb McAviney is a chiropractor with special expertise in the clinical management of spinal deformities namely scoliosis and hyperkyphosis. He holds both a Master of Chiropractic and a Master of Pain Medicine. Over the past decade, he has dedicated himself to studying the numerous scoliosis rehabilitation and bracing techniques from around the world which has led to him developing new techniques. He has been an active SOSORT member for several years and served as the local host for the 2023 SOSORT International Congress in Melbourne, Australia.  

Arnold Wong

Member at Large

Arnold Wong, PhD, is a physiotherapist with a Schroth therapist qualification. He has been actively participating at SOSORT meetings since 2018 and received the SOSORT 2019 best paper award. He has served as a scientific committee member to review abstracts for SOSORT meetings since 2020. As the only Asian on the SOSORT board, he would like to raise awareness of scoliosis in Asia and developing countries. Arnold is an Associate Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests include the epidemiology and conservative treatments of scoliosis, as well as the mental health of individuals with scoliosis.

Dariusz Czaprowski

Member at Large

Dariusz Czaprowski, PT, PhD, has been a member of SOSORT since 2011, board member as member-at large since 2022, and served on the scientific committee for several years. He was a co-author of the SOSORT Guidelines in 2016 and received the SOSORT 2011 Award for best paper. Dariusz holds full professorships at Warmia and Mazury University in Olsztyn, Poland as well as owning a private physical therapy clinic. His interests include improving screening methods for scoliosis, joint hypermobility, specific physiotherapy and the influence of scoliosis on physical capacity and aesthestics.

Carole Fortin, PhD, MSc, PT

Member at Large

Carole Fortin, PhD, MSc, PT, has been an active SOSORT member and presenter since 2013. She is a clinical expertise in the evaluation and treatment of youth with idiopathic scoliosis and has been trained in several physiotherapy specific to scoliosis approaches. She is an associate professor at the School of Rehabilitation in Université de Montréal and researcher at the Centre de recherche Azrieli of CHU-Sainte-Justine. Her research focuses on the understanding of biomechanical and neurophysiological mechanisms associated with posture, balance and movement control using musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging and electroencephalography. Her work also aims to develop evidence-based therapeutic intervention models in physiotherapy for idiopathic scoliosis, with a focus on knowledge dissemination.


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