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Reference to any specific individual, clinic, product, service, process, or method by trade name, trademark, service, manufacturer or otherwise on this web site does not constitute an implied or expressed recommendation, support, partnership, approval, endorsement, or favoring by SOSORT, its past, current and future Board officers, members or employees and shall not be used for advertising, product, service, process, or method endorsement purposes. 

Certain links on this site lead to information and resources on servers maintained by third parties, and are provided as a convenience to our website visitors. SOSORT, its past, current and future Board officers, members, and employees have no control over these outside sites and are, therefore, not responsible or legally liable for their content. Inclusion of any outside site does not imply a recommendation, support, partnership, approval, endorsement, or favoring of the site, or information contained therein, by SOSORT, its past, current and future Board officers, members, and employees.

In addition, any articles published in the official journal of SOSORT, including Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders and the European Spine Journal do not constitute an implied or expressed recommendation, support, partnership, approval, endorsement, or favoring of the particular individual, clinic, product, service, process, or method by trade name, trademark, service, manufacturer or otherwise discussed in those publications.


The information provided on SOSORT website is designed to support, not to replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and their physician.

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