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Call for SOSORT 2025 Abstracts 

Submissions Open: October 7, 2024
Deadline: December 7, 2024

The International Scientific Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) invites you to submit an abstract to the SOSORT 2025 World Congress and share your work on the conservative treatment of scoliosis and other structural spine changes with colleagues from around the world.

SOSORT seeks abstracts on the following topics related to Scoliosis and other Structural Spinal Disorders. In order to increase the scientific quality of the meeting, a list of key content (attached in the end of this document) for abstracts has been prepared by the Scientific Committee. Abstract submitters are strongly encouraged to consult the list and make sure abstracts align with the key metrics provided.

  • Etiology and pathogenesis
  • Conservative treatment: screening, assessment, treatment and outcomes
  • Imaging, and other diagnostic or assessment tools
  • Health-related quality of life and patient-reported outcome measurements.
  • Pre- and post-operative care for scoliosis and structural spine disorders. (excluding abstracts focused solely on the effect of surgeries)
  • Healthcare systems / policies / screening models for the management of scoliosis and structural spinal disorders.
  • Telehealth/ technology/ digital health/ apps used in the care of scoliosis and structural spinal disorders

    Guidelines for Abstract Submission

    1. Abstracts must be written in English.
    2. The title word count is not included in the abstract text but should be concise and not exceed 300 characters.
    3. The body of the abstract text must NOT exceed 450 words and must include the following sections:

    More Details:

    • A limit of 1 table or figure may be included in the abstract.
    • Avoid using brand names in your reports.
    • If your research involves human subjects, you will be required to check a box during the submission process to attest you received the appropriate human subjects research approval from your institution.
    • If you would like to be considered for a SOSORT Award, please indicate your intention by checking the box.  By submitting for the Award, you are attesting that your work meets the eligibility requirements. 
    • Please select from the drop down box the option indicating whether the abstract should be considered for a podium presentation, poster, or either. 
    • After previewing your abstract and pressing the submit button you will get a reply indicating whether your abstract was successfully submitted.  You will be notified if your abstract is missing any required elements and you will be directed back to the submission site.
    • The Scientific Committee Chair aims to notify the authors of the status of their abstract by February 9th, 2025 by e-mail.  If the abstract is accepted, the notification will include whether the abstract will be presented at the podium or as a poster.  Details concerning the date and time for podium presentations, poster sessions and for poster sizes will be sent to authors by March 5th, 2025.
    • The presenting author must register, pay the registration fee and attend the SOSORT 2025 World Congress in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
    • DEADLINE for receipt of abstracts: December 7th, 2025.

    You might consider referring to the following general references for help writing your abstract:

    Submission Eligibility and Information

    • SOSORT members and non-members are eligible to submit an abstract.
    • Abstracts summarizing results from clinical trials, retrospective cohort, case-control studies, case series, epidemiology, health services, economic evaluation, systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses are eligible for submission.
    • Abstracts concerning clinical outcomes must include final results to be considered for a podium presentation.  Meritorious studies with preliminary results may be reviewed and considered for a poster presentation at the discretion of the Scientific Committee. 
    • Abstracts must reflect original work which has NOT yet been presented in a SOSORT meeting.
    • Abstracts may be submitted for a podium presentation, a poster presentation or either. 
    • There is no limit to the number of abstracts that a presenter may submit.  However, the Scientific Committee may only select a maximum of 3 podium presentations per presenter. In case of multiple submissions on the same material/data/sample from the same research group, the Scientific Committee may select only the most important submission. There is no per-presenter limit to the number of poster presentations.

    SOSORT Awards

    We invite all authors to indicate during submission if they wish to submit their abstract for the SOSORT 2025 Awards competition. The authors of the abstracts with the top ten review scores will be nominated for the award and be invited to submit a full length article draft reporting the work summarized in their abstract. This draft should be formatted according to the European Spine Journal author guidelines and submitted to the scientific chair by March 25th, 2025. SOSORT will cover the cost of publishing in OPEN ACCESS in the European Spine Journal for two winners. 

    Pre-Submission Mentoring Opportunities for SOSORT Members Only

    The SOSORT Board and Scientific Committee are committed to improving the science and professional growth of our members. This year again, we will offer pre-submission mentoring to SOSORT members on a first-come, first-served basis. Mentoring could be as simple as pre-submission feedback on a draft abstract you intend to submit.

    If you have never submitted an abstract, or have not had one accepted in the past, if you are new to research, or wish to receive input on writing clearly in English, please consider this opportunity.

    If you are interested in working with a member of the Scientific Committee to develop or polish your abstract prior to submission, please email as soon as possible.

    Please note: Receiving abstract mentoring does NOT guarantee that your abstract will be accepted, but we do hope that we can improve your abstract writing skills and future success in research.

    Special Scientific Committee Webinar

    List of Key Metrics for Abstracts Developed by the SOSORT Scientific Committee

    Beside specific metrics on each topic, consult the following important documents:

    SOSORT 2016 guidelines: To understand the main topics of SOSORT and what type of research that is of interest for the society.

    2014 SOSORT-SRS non-op committee Research Guidelines: Consult for reporting methods and outcomes.

    For all studies, the following will be encouraged and specifically analyzed by reviewers:

    • Thorough description of population including key variables (for example age, sex, curve severity, curve type and maturity data).
    • Clear description of analysis methods
    • Results should match methods and conclusions should be supported by the results. Conclusions should match the results and not be overreaching.
    • Describe selection and allocation strategy. State whether participants formed consecutive, random, or convenience samples.
    • Describe drop-out rates and include comparison with the study population on key variables
    • Report adverse events and side effects

    For exercise studies, the following will be encouraged and specifically examined by reviewers:

    • Longer duration of study is encouraged (minimum 12 months)
    • Describe if exercise intervention is the only treatment or in combination with other modality, for example together with brace treatment
    • Report compliance data
    • Describe whether intervention is delivered inpatient, outpatient, online or as a combination. Describe details on dosage prescription (for example program duration, frequency, length of sessions)
    • Describe clinical meaningfulness of the effects (MCID/effect size/standard error of the mean)
    • Report improvement, static or worsening of Cobb angle beyond measure of error. Report percentage progressing to brace treatment
    • Report patient-reported outcomes
    • If a control group is used, report clear description of the treatment controls receive and dosage
    • Specify if exercise intervention is scoliosis-specific according to the SOSORT 2016 guidelines

    For brace studies, the following will be encouraged and specifically observed by reviewers:

    • Data on both frontal and sagittal plane spine alignment should be reported
    • Objective data on compliance should be included
    • Report prescribed dosage of bracing
    • Classify the used braces according to the SOSORT-SRS braces classification (
    • Report patient-reported outcomes.
    • Report improvement, static or worsening of Cobb angle beyond measure of error and percentage progressing to surgery
    • If a control group is used, report clear description of the treatment controls receive and dosage

          For studies on imaging/diagnostic tools, the following will be encouraged and specifically observed by reviewers:

          • Clear description of instructions given to patients during testing and positions
          • Clear description of tool and control tool/comparison to gold standard. Define the specific variables studied.
          • Measurement studies should report mean and standard deviation of measurements on all tools compared. Inter and intrarater reliability should be described and if blinding was done during testing
          • Describe if it is a novel tool/method or existing tool/method
          • State the timing of measurements

            For studies on HRQOL/PROMs, the following will be encouraged and specifically observed by reviewers:

            • Clear description of scores and subscores for questionnaires
            • Clear description of score interpretation
            • Report MCID values where appropriate/clinical meaningfulness
            • Describe properties of the tool in terms of validity and reliability
            • State the timing of measurements

            For studies on pre/postoperative care, the following will be encouraged and specifically observed by reviewers:

            • Description of pre/postoperative protocol
            • Postoperative studies should include data on operative procedure (implants, surgical approach, number of fused vertebrae, extension of distal fusion)
            • Specify if inpatient or outpatient interventions. Studies concerning only surgery effectiveness or surgical care will not be considered for podium presentations

            For studies on telehealth/technology/digital health/apps, the following will be encouraged and specifically observed by reviewers:

            • Description of the intervention; pure digital or hybrid.
            • Specify the online platform. Specify if text, audio or video based or combination
            • Describe details on dosage prescription (for example program duration, frequency, length of sessions)

            For qualitative studies, a clear description on objective, sampling method, sample characteristics, sample size, data collection (interview or focus groups), assessors/facilitators experiences. Thorough description of coding, saturation, determination, validation methods and theoretical framework. Quotes and themes should be included.


            The information provided on SOSORT website is designed to support, not to replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and their physician.

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